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Akio Kurokawa is famous for his bold and minute design on Edo Kiriko. For each work, he creates new brilliant designs which combine traditional Kiriko patterns and curved lines. His signature is also engraved on the back of each work.

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作者黒川昭男ドキュメントムービー Click below button to view the movie.
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Brief History of Akio Kurokawa
He was born in Chiba, Japan in 1941. In 1955 he was apprenticed to a great Kiriko master called Kikuichiro Kobayashi. In 1971 he was accepted by the 18th Traditional Arts and Crafts Exhibition in Japan for the first time. After that, he took part in many exhibitions and competitions and won several artistic awards. Currently he works in his own studio which was founded in 1993 in Tokyo. Also, he participates in big events of "Table Coordination" these years, and tries to create glassware not only as one product but also as a series of total tableware coordination.

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